You can connect every type of Bluetooth devices with your PC, including mice, mobile speakers, and many more. And finally you are going to solve your problem with the help of get into pc. For do it, your PC will need to have Bluetooth. Many PCs, like laptops and tablets, have Bluetooth built in. If your PC does not, you may plug a USB Bluetooth adapter into the USB port of your PC to get it.Before you begin, make sure your Windows 10 PC support the Bluetooth. When you have checked that your Windows 10 PC support the Bluetooth, you will need to turn it on.
Turn on Bluetooth in Settings:

Select Start and then Settings. Select Devices Bluetooth & other devices and turn on Bluetooth
In action center:
Action center may be found next to time and date at your taskbar. In the taskbar, choose action center, then click Bluetooth for turn it on. If it is turned off, it may appear as Not connected.
If you do not see Bluetooth in action center, here is how you can change it:
- Extend quick actions. At the taskbar, choose action center or Expand. Bluetooth will appear here. It should appear as Bluetooth or Not connected.
Add Bluetooth in action center. Choose Start > Settings > System > Notifications & actions > Quick actions. Navigate to Add or remove quick actions and turn on Bluetooth. Select the device and follow additional instructions if they appear, and then click Done.

For your PC to see the Bluetooth peripheral, you will need to turn it on and set it into pairing mode. It typically involves clicking and holding the Bluetooth button unless you see a flashing light that point that the pairing is ready.
Then, you should use the Windows key + I keyboard shortcut, open the Settings app.
Go to to Devices and navigate to Bluetooth.
Make sure the Bluetooth switch is on. You will know it is working. You will notice the message which reads Your PC is searching for and may be discovered by Bluetooth devices.
Choose the device you want to connect and press Pair.