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Footnotes are notes placed in the bottom of a page. They give reference or comment on a designated part of the text above it. So, now you are reading articles on getintopc. For instance, you want to add an delightful comment for a sentence you have written, but the comment is not directly concerned with the argument of your paragraph.

How to Insert Footnotes in Word
  1. Navigate to the Insert menu and press Footnote to open the Footnote and End note box.
  2. Choose the options which you want in the Footnote and End note box. You may choose between Footnotes and end notes, numbering format, custom marks and symbols, in the entire document.

How to insert footnotes?

  1. Put the cursor where you want the superscript number to appear.
  2. Press on Insert Footnote in the
    References tab
  3. The accompanying number will be inserted automatically in the footer ready for you to add the Footnote reference.
    4.write in your Footnote reference

Insert footnotes and endnotes

  1. Press where you want to reference to the Footnote or end note.
  2. In the References tab, choose Insert Footnote or Insert End note.
  3. Enter what you want in the Footnote.
  4. Back to your place in the document by double-pressing the number or symbol at the beginning of the note.

To keep the footnote together in Word:

  1. Click Ctrl+Shift+S to Apply Styles.
  2. Write Footnote Text.
  3. Press on Modify.
  4. Press on Format.
  5. Choose Paragraph.
  6. Then, Under Line and Page Breaks tab.
  7. Check box by Keep lines together with each other.
  8. Press OK.

If you are using Word 2002 or Word 2003, follow these simple steps:

  1. Choose Reference given in the Insert menu, then select Footnote. Word shows the Footnote and End note dialog box.
  2. You would Make sure the Footnotes radio button is selected.
  3. Change the Start At value to reflect where you like Word to start numbering.
  4. Change the Numbering area for reflect how you want Word to count your Footnotes.
  5. Press on Close; otherwise press on OK to insert a Footnote mark on the current location.

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