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Here in this article, I will show you how to take screenshot on windows 10. window 10 is a series of operating system of Microsoft. Its released as part of window NT family of operating system. It is the superseder for window 8.1, which was release almost two years ago on july 15,2015, and broadly released to the public on july 19,2015.


In this article, we can learn How to take screenshot on window 10. You can simply learn how to take screenshot in this website. Therefore, Getintopc.site is a best website where you can find the best method to fix your problems which are related to the computer.

How to take screenshot on Window 10

So, below we share two easy method to take screenshot you can can both are which you like and learn easily.

Method 1: How to take screenshot on Window 10

  1. Press PrtScn. This copies the whole screen to the clipboard.
  2. Press Alt + PrtScn . its copies the active window to the clipboard.
  3. Ate the end, Press the Window key+Shift+S. through this method, the screen will dim and the point of mouse will change. (This method only useful when you use Window 10 Latest version).

Method 2:

Microsoft adds so much flexible screenshot utility with Window 10, which is called Snipping Tool. You may use Snipping Tool to take a screenshot and save it as an image file without first pasting screenshot into any other program.

  1. Start Snipping Tool from Start menu…
  2. In the MODE drop down, select the type of screenshot you want.
  3. ClickNew, your screen will freeze. Then you can use mouse to create screenshot.


Finally, above we share some simple methods to take screenshots on Window 10. Which helps you to take screenshot’s on your laptop and PC. If you have any problem please comments us below and If you like this post just share this link with your friends. Thank you

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