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For Turn Off Sticky Keys, click on the Shift Key Five times or uncheck the Turn on Sticky Key box. if the default options are chosen, clicking two Keys at once will Turn Off Sticky Keys. By getintopc site.

How to Turn Off Sticky Keys

Turn Off Sticky Keys Permanently and Stop turning it on

Sticky Keys is a Feature of Window which allows modifier keys as Ctrl and Shift to Stay active even when you are not clicking them. It can help user with any Physical Problem Who have unable Pressing two Keys at once. By default, you may turn it on by clicking Shift five times at once. This method turn on Sticky Keys but it won’t Turn Off sticky Keys. here is a way to Turn Off Window 10’s Sticky Keys features.

  1. Turn on Sticky Keys by clicking Shift five times at Once
  2. Sticky Keys icon, that looks some white keyboard Keys, will shows you in taskbar in the bottom of display.
  3. Double-click on it to bring Sticky Keys option.
  4. Uncheck the given boxes, turn on Sticky Keys, Turn on sticky Keys when shift is clicked five times.

If you cannot find the Sticky Keys option, or it not appears, you can do:

  • Click on the Window logo on keyboard, or press the Window icon given in the bottom left of your display
  • Search ease of access
  • Choose “Ease of Access Keyboard Setting”
  • Toggle the change under sticky Keys to Off, you might Turn Off the Shortcuts which are given, so it won’t active again.


At last, if you are finding to Turn Off Sticky Keys, sometimes if you Turn it on accidentally, Click two function Key at one time. (ctrl, alt, Shift or the Window key)

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